Clu-Bo is a robot designed to help children with nonverbal learning disorders hone their social skills and recognize subtle social cues.
I wanted to take on the challenge of designing a product that would help with social challenges that people may face in their daily lives. I decided to focus on nonverbal learning disorders (NLD), which are a group of disorders that affect a person’s ability to interpret nonverbal cues.
Clu-Bo is a solution crafted to help children with NLD recognize and interpret social cues through engaging and interactive activiites that help them practice and strengthen their social skills.
NLDs are a group of disorders that impacts the ability to interpret nonverbal cues such as body language, facial expressions, and tone. This makes it frustrating for children with NLD to understand social situations and communicate effectively.
Clu-Bo is a social companion designed to empower children with NLDs in social situations. It uses expressive facial features and body language to help children recognize and interpret social cues in a fun and engaging way.
Typical interventions for NLDs include teaching social stories and flash cards to help younger children understand social cues, and if left unattended, symptoms tend to worsen as children grow older.
I wanted the form factor of Clu-Bo to be approachable and friendly while also allowing for expressive and engaging interactions. Additionally, I wanted the app to be simple and intuitive as a way for parents and guardians to easily control Clu-Bo and track their child’s progress.
Children with NLDs, ages 3-10
Roboto Regular
Roboto Medium